New theater in Warsaw
In 1927, a workshop for the repair of city cleaning machines was built on the outskirts of Old Mokotów. In 2008, the history of the New Theater began on this place.
Nowy Teatr
150 years ago, the area now occupied by the New Theater was used as a clay quarry to make bricks
After fifty years of use, the clay pit was covered with piles of garbage. In 1927, a workshop was built on the edge of the former excavation to repair the trucks of the city cleaning company. It was in these buildings that the history of the New Theater began, initially renting a few small spaces from the company. In 2012, the theater became the sole tenant of the area, resulting in the creation of a cultural center.
After fifty years of use, the clay pit was covered with piles of
After becoming artistic director, Krzysztof Warlikowski invited Karolina Ohab to co-create a new place on the map of Warsaw. Together they began to create a space for people with ideas, a field of activity for artists and creators. A team of outstanding artists, longtime collaborators and co-creators of the Warlikowski Theater found in the New Theater the creative home of their dreams.
History of creation
garbage. In 1927, a workshop was built on the edge of the former excavation to repair the trucks of the city cleaning company. It was in these buildings that the history of the New Theater began, initially renting a few small spaces from the company. In 2012, the theater became the sole tenant of the area, resulting in the creation of a cultural center.
It is now a large building where the flexible arrangement of the stage and auditorium allows the space to be used simultaneously for theater performances, exhibitions, rehearsals, and concerts.
The former car repair shop has become a regular venue for art installations, music concerts, and events for children and youth. Artists, architects and designers are often invited to realize their ideas.
Reconstructed theater building
The old theater building
The construction of the International Cultural Center «New Theater» was financed by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
Krzysztof Warlikowski became the artistic director and invited
Krzysztof Warlikowski became the artistic director and invited Karolina Ochab to co-create a new place on the map of Warsaw. Together they began to create a space for people with ideas, a field of activity for artists and creators. A team of outstanding artists, longtime collaborators and co-creators of the Warlikowski Theater found in the New Theater the creative home of their dreams.
For the next 5 years, while the reconstruction lasted, it was a "theater without a seat", showing performances in the still old, unrenovated hall, in train stations, cafes and Warsaw apartments. The suspended state was hard for both the audience and the artists, but on the other hand it gave freedom to experiment. The modernization process began in November 2014: parts of the workshop hall, the administrative building, and surrounding areas of the monument were renovated.
Krzysztof Warlikowski
Theater and opera director, founder and artistic director of the New Theater. director of the New Theater
150 years ago on the territory of the New Theater there was a clay quarry for the production of bricks.
После пятидесяти лет эксплуатации глиняный карьер покрылся
History of creation
кучами мусора. В 1927 году на краю бывшего раскопа была построена мастерская для ремонта грузовых автомобилей городской клининговой компании. Именно в этих зданиях началась история Нового театра, первоначально арендовавшего у компании несколько небольших помещений. В 2012 году театр стал единственным арендатором территории, в результате чего был создан культурный центр.
The former car repair shop has become a regular venue for art installations, music concerts and events for children and youth. Artists, architects and designers are often invited to realize their ideas.
Reconstructed theater building
Старое здание театра
The construction of the New Theater International Cultural Center was financed by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
Кшиштоф Варликовский стал художественным руководителем
и пригласил Каролину Охаб стать соавтором нового места на карте Варшавы. Вместе они начали создавать пространство, для людей с идеями, поле деятельности для художников и творцов. Коллектив выдающихся артистов, давних сотрудников и соавторов Театра Варликовского нашел в Новом театре творческий приют своей мечты.
For the next 5 years, while the reconstruction lasted, it was a “theater without a seat”, showing performances in the old, unrenovated hall, in train stations, cafes, and Warsaw apartments. The suspended state was hard for both the audience and the artists, but with another side it gave freedom to experiment. The modernization process began in November 2014: parts of the workshop hall, the administrative building, and the monument's surroundings were renovated.
Krzysztof Warlikowski
Theater and opera director, founder and manager of the New Theater
After fifty years of exploitation, the clay pit was covered with heaps of garbage. In 1927, a workshop for repairing trucks was built on the edge of the former excavation. It was in these buildings that the history of the New Theater began, initially renting a few small rooms from the company. In 2012, the theater became the sole tenant of the territory, resulting in the creation of a cultural center.
After becoming artistic director, Krzysztof Warlikowski invited Karolina Ohab to co-create a new place on the map of Warsaw. Together they began to create a space for people with ideas, a field of activity for artists and creators. A team of outstanding artists, longtime collaborators and co-creators of the Warlikowski Theater found in the New Theater the creative home of their dreams.
Stages of the construction of the theater
An agreement was signed on co-financing the construction of the New Theatre International Culture Center. The project covers the modernization of the historic workshop hall and the administrative building, as well as the development of the external territory of the future theater.
Minister of Culture and National Heritage Bogdan Zdrojewski provides a grant for the construction of the International Cultural Center of the New Theatre. The agreement on this issue was signed by the General Director of the theater Karolina Ochab and Artistic Director Krzysztof Warlikowski.
Plac Budowy [Construction Site] was working in the theater building at the time of the reconstruction. It was a meeting place for artistic and educational events. The name of the site is related to the reconstruction of the building of the New Theater, which started in the same period.
30.06 2014
The New Theatre announced a tender for construction works under the title "Construction of the building of the International Cultural Center New Theatre in Warsaw at 10/16 Madaliński Street".
05.11. 2014
As a result of a limited tender, Skanska SA was selected as the general contractor for the construction works.
Modernization of the New Theater
Photos by Jakub Zertovic
By the end of February 2015, the demolition of walls and floors in the hall was completed, the site for new foundations was prepared, and new strip and column foundations were laid.
In March 2015, the reinforced concrete elements of the hall were completed, lean concrete was poured for the new foundations, and steel brackets for the beams were installed.
In September 2015, the ceilings were completely renovated, suspended ceilings and acoustic ceiling tiles were installed, most of the acoustic panels were installed on the walls. Additional installation work has been carried out and most of the flooring has been installed. The installation of exterior steel windows is in progress. The facades of both buildings are plastered.
Between May and August 2015, reinforced concrete, doorways, removal of chipped and broken plaster, masonry work, installation of rebar, under-floor layers and concrete floors were completed in the former shop.
The New Theatre International Cultural Center will open in April 2016.
The opening of the modernized New Theatreт in Warsaw took place in April 2016.
Restored building of the New Theater
Founder: Krzysztof Warlikowski
Opening day tour of the theater buildings, led by New Theater actors
The opening of the modernized New Theatre International Cultural Center in Warsaw took place in April 2016.
Restored building of the New Theater
Founder: Krzysztof Warlikowski
Opening day tour of the theater buildings, led by New Theater actors
New Theater grew out of the work of Krzysztof Warlikowski, who radically opened the art of theater
Театр родился благодаря творчеству Кшиштофа Варликовского, радикально открывшего театральное искусство для важных и часто спорных вопросов, а также для смелых формальных экспериментов. Создатели вдохновляют свою аудиторию, поднимая сложные проблемыи. Было создано своеобразное место для диалога и сотрудничества, свободное поле деятельности для приглашенных художников.
The theater was born from the work of Krzysztof Warlikowski,
who radically opened the art of theater to important and often controversial issues, as well as to bold formal experimentation. The creators inspire their audiences by raising challenging issues. A place for dialog and collaboration has been created, a free field of activity for invited artists.
They explore the music of gesture, silence, controlled space, and artistically sublime intuition. It is music of the creative mind, carefully considered and  striving for perfection. Music that challenges and is a source of energy, excitement, and contemplation.
Premiere: 17.03.2017
Director: Iza Chlewinska
A performance installation for very young children (0,5-2 years old) accompanied by an adult.
«Henrietta Lacks»
Director: Anna Smolyar
Premiere: 23.04.2017
«An Apartment on Uranus»
Director: Michał Borczuch
Premiere: 03.03.2022
Director: Ramona Nagabczynska
Premiere: 07.05.2021
Premiere: 08.10.2021
Director: Anna Smolyar
A post-opera portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam, the father of European humanism.
New Theater grew out of the work of Krzysztof Warlikowski, who radically opened the art of theater
Театр родился благодаря творчеству Кшиштофа Варликовского,
радикально открывшего театральное искусство для важных и часто спорных вопросов, а также для смелых формальных экспериментов. Создатели вдохновляют свою аудиторию, поднимая сложные проблемыи. Было создано своеобразное место для диалога и сотрудничества, свободное поле деятельности для приглашенных художников.
Они исследует музыку жеста, тишины, управляемого космоса и художественно возвышенной интуиции. Это музыка творческого разума, тщательно продуманная и стремящаяся к совершенству. Музыка, которая бросает вызов и является источником энергии, волнения и созерцания.
Premiere: 17.03.2017
Director: Iza Chlewinska
A performance installation for very young children (0,5-2 years old) accompanied by an adult.
«Henrietta Lacks»
Director: Anna Smolyar
Premiere: 23.04.2017
«An Apartment on Uranus»
Director: Michał Borczuch
Premiere: 03.03.2022
Director: Ramona Nagabczynska
Premiere: 07.05.2021
Premiere: 08.10.2021
Director: Anna Smolyar
A post-opera portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam, the father of European humanism.
The theater was born from the work of Krzysztof Warlikowski, who radically opened the art of theater to important and often controversial issues, as well as to bold formal experimentation. The creators inspire their audiences by raising difficult issues. A kind of space for dialog and collaboration, a free field of activity for invited artists, has been created.
«We believe there is still too little music in our cultural landscape. The narrative of modernity is incomplete without music.»
Music and dance
«Cinema of Moral Anxiety»
Director: Krzysztof Warlikowski
Premiere: 25.04.2019
A play inspired by the book “Walden, or Life in the Woods” by H.D. Thoreau
Dance in New Theater is a choreography of movement relationships
between human bodies, aliens, thoughts, trillions of bacteria, viruses, global warming, and imagination. For example, «Publika» is one of the dance performances in the repertoire, during which the audience leaves their belongings on the chairs and walks to the stage.
Together with the performers, they are immersed in an event that could be a performance, perhaps a collective dance and, above all, a meeting, an exploration of what it means to be together in a shared space and time. Also interesting is the production of Expiria, an expressionist dance, stylistically free and spontaneous, which opposed the patriarchal system of classical ballet.
«Angels in America»
Director: Krzysztof Warlikowski
Premiere: 17.02.2007
«This is The Real Thing»
«You Are Safe»
Directed by: Anna Novitskaya
Directed by: Agata Sinyarskaya
Premiere: 07.11.2018
Premiere: 12.07.2018
«The Talking Car»
Premiere: 14.09.2023
Directed by: Agnieszka Polska
Agnieszka Polska raises uncomfortable questions about the ecological crisis, environmental and humanitarian disasters in her presentation.
«Ich heiße Frau Troffea»
Directors: Sergey Shabokhin / Igor Shugaleev
Premiere: 31.08.2024
«Elizabeth Costello | J.M. Coetzee»
Director: Krzysztof Warlikowski
Premiere: 11.04.2024
Directed by: Maria Stoklosa
Premiere: 08.11.2022
Director: Pavel Sakovich
Premiere: 09.01.2019
The theater often demonstrates the close connection between film
and theater. Therefore, the theater shows the widest possible collection of cinema, including Polish and world classics, as well as marginal films. The screenings are always preceded by lectures by renowned experts, followed by a discussion with the audience. For example, Forbidden.
The space is also involved in filmmaking. «We initiate projects and support theater artists who are trying to express themselves through film. We make films about the theater and its creators.»
«Teraz Francja» is a film project that presented three films that allow a closer look at the work of three outstanding French directors: Joël Pommer, Pascal Rambert and Vincent Mackenay.
«We believe that there is still too little music in our cultural landscape. The narrative of modernity is incomplete without music.»
Music and dance
«Cinema of Moral Anxiety»
Режиссер: Кшиштоф Варликовский
Премьера: 25.04.2019
Спектакль, вдохновленный книгой Х.Д. Торо «Вальден, или Жизнь в лесу»
Dance in New Theater is a choreography of movement relationships between human bodies, aliens, thoughts, trillions of bacteria, viruses, global warming, and imagination. For example, «Publika» is one of the dance performances in the repertoire, during which the audience leaves their belongings on the chairs and goes to the stage.
между человеческими телами, инопланетянами, мыслями, триллионами бактерий, вирусами, глобальным потеплением, воображением. Например, «Publika» — одно из танцевальных представлений в репертуаре, во время которого зрители оставляют свои вещи на стульях и идут на сцену.
Together with the performers, they are immersed in an event that could be a performance, perhaps a collective dance and, above all, a meeting, an exploration of what it means to be together in a common space and time. Also interesting is the production of Expiria, an expressionist dance, stylistically free and spontaneous, which opposed the patriarchal system of classical ballet.
«Angels in America»
Director: Krzysztof Warlikowski
Premiere: 17.02.2007
«This is The Real Thing»
«You Are Safe»
Режиссер: Анна Новицкая
Directed by: Agata Sinyarskaya
Премьера: 07.11.2018
Premiere: 12.07.2018
«The Talking Car»
Премьера: 14.09.2023
Directed by: Agnieszka Polska
Premiere: 14.09.2023
«Ich heiße Frau Troffea»
Directors: Sergey Shabokhin / Igor Shugaleev
Premiere: 31.08.2024
«Elizabeth Costello | J.M. Coetzee»
Режиссер: Кшиштоф Варликовский
Премьера: 11.04.2024
Directed by: Maria Stoklosa
Premiere: 08.11.2022
Director: Pavel Sakovich
Premiere: 09.01.2019
The theater often demonstrates the close connection between cinema and theater. Therefore, the theater shows the widest possible collection of cinema, including Polish and world classics, as well as marginal films. The screenings are always preceded by lectures by renowned experts, followed by a discussion with the audience. For example, Forbidden.
Поэтому в театре показывают максимально широкую коллекцию кинематографа, включая польскую и мировую классику, а также маргинальное кино. Показам всегда предшествуют лекции известных экспертов, после которых следует дискуссия со зрителями. Например, «Forbidden».
Также в пространстве занимаются кинопрооизводством. «Мы инициируем проекты и поддерживаем артистов театра, которые пытаются выразить себя посредством кино. Мы создаем фильмы о театре и его создателях.»
«Teraz Francja» is a film project that presented three films that allow a closer look at the work of three outstanding French directors: Joël Pommer, Pascal Rambert and Vincent Mackenay.
«I will present films banned by regimes from different periods of history. We should remind ourselves how artists fought censorship, how they tried to outsmart it.»
«End of Love»
Movie screenings: 3-9.05.2021
Directed by: Pascal Rambert
«Cloture of Love» by Pascal Rambert - a recording of the performance was shown at a film screening at the New Theater. The audience was also introduced to the documentary film by Joel Pommer - «Theatre as an Absolute» and the third in the cyclical program was the feature film of the «rebel” of the French theater Vincent Makan, whose performance «Thirst» was shown on the stage of the New Theatre.
«I will present films banned by regimes from different periods of history. We should remind ourselves how artists fought censorship, how they tried to outsmart it.»
«End of Love»
Movie screenings: 3-9.05.2021
Directed by: Pascal Rambert
«Cloture of Love» by Pascal Rambert - a recording of the performance was shown at a film screening at the New Theater. The audience was also introduced to the documentary film by Joel Pommer - «Theatre as an Absolute» and the third in the cyclical program was the feature film of the «rebel” of the French theater Vincent Makan, whose performance «Thirst» was shown on the stage of the New Theatre.
«I hate them - these modern plays. But that's the way the world works, you never know what you'll be doing tomorrow.»
Krzysztof Warlikowski Theater and opera director, founder and artistic director of the New Theater. Since  2008 he has been artistic director of the New Theater in Warsaw, where to date he has directed six productions based on multi-layered adaptations of the text:
— How did it happen that after a classical liberal arts education in Krakow and Paris, and then a theater education, you turned to radical dramaturgy and plays like Hanoch Levin's Krum?
- I've been away, I've been a lot of places, but what's next?
I am Polish and I don't want to break away from my roots, from my family. And then there was the Holocaust. By the way, the inspiration didn't come at once, Ganna Kralj with her story “Dybuk” shook me up.
It was a surprise to me that the meditative trance could be interrupted by some stronger feelings or emotions, and these turned out to be feelings of blood kinship, feelings of family. And so I came out of a certain creative downtime that had arisen after the dizzying success of my Shakespearean productions. I somehow realized at that moment that Poland needed me, that young people would support me, and so it was, but I wanted to move on. The Dybuk appeared, and then Krum.
Krzysztof Warlikowski
Theater and opera director, founder and Artistic Director of the New Theater artistic director of the New Theater
«The End»
«African Tales by Shakespeare»
«Kabaret warszawski»
«The French»
«We Are Leaving».
Krzysztof Warlikowski's separate field of activity is opera. Krzysztof Warlikowski's separate field of activity is opera. Warlikowski has staged productions at major European opera houses, including:
«La Monnaie» in Brussels,
the Paris National Opera,
«Teatro Real» in Madrid,
«Bayerische Staatsoper» in Munich,
Royal Opera House in London, and the Salzburg Festival.
Excerpt from an interview with Ekaterina Belyaeva, author of Kultura newspaper
- Another question about the depressing atmosphere of your performances. Why are they all so gloomy?
- I don't think theater necessarily has to be sunny and clear.
I don't know much about the nature of joy. I'm not sure that the nuptial denouement of many Shakespearean comedies can serve as a sedative pill for a good night's sleep.
I am often asked why I stage Shakespeare’s comedies as tragedies that make the audience weep, while I laugh at the textbook tragedies in my productions? I don’t know. But I am convinced that a visit to the theater is not connected with a comfortable seat in a soft armchair. In my opinion, it is closer to light than to darkness.
«I hate them, these modern plays. But that's the way the world works, you never know what you're going to do tomorrow.»
Krzysztof Warlikowski Theater and opera director, founder and artistic director of the New Theater. Since 2008 he has been Artistic Director of the New Theater in Warsaw, where he has directed six productions based on multi-layered adaptations of the text:
— Как получилось, что после классического гуманитарного образования в Кракове и Париже, а затем театрального образования вы обратились к радикальной драматургии и пьесам вроде «Крума» Ханоха Левина?
— Я уехал, много где побывал, но что дальше? Я — поляк и не хочу отрываться от корней, от семьи. А еще был Холокост. Кстати, вдохновение пришло не сразу, Ганна Краль с ее рассказом «Дибук» меня встряхнула.
Я — поляк и не хочу отрываться от корней, от семьи. А еще был Холокост. Кстати, вдохновение пришло не сразу, Ганна Краль с ее рассказом «Дибук» меня встряхнула.
Для меня было неожиданностью, что медитативный транс мог быть прерван какими-то более сильными чувствами или эмоциями, и ими оказались чувства кровного родства, чувства семьи. И таким образом вышел из определенного творческого простоя, который возник после головокружительного успеха моих шекспировских постановок. Я как-то понял в тот момент, что нужен Польше, что меня поддержит молодежь, — так и вышло, но хотелось двигаться дальше. Возник «Дибук», а потом «Крум».
Кшиштоф Варликовский
Театральный и оперный режиссер, основатель и художественный
руководитель Нового театра
«The End»
«African Tales by Shakespeare»
«Kabaret warszawski»
«The French»
«We Are Leaving».
Krzysztof Warlikowski’s separate field of activity is opera. Krzysztof Warlikowski’s specialty is opera. Warlikowski has staged productions at some of Europe’s largest opera houses, including:
«La Monnaie» in Brussels,
the Paris National Opera,
«Teatro Real» in Madrid,
«Bayerische Staatsoper» in Munich,
Royal Opera House in London, and the Salzburg Festival.
Отрывок из интервью Екатерины Беляевой, автора газеты «Культура»
— Еще один вопрос о депрессивной атмосфере ваших спектаклей. Почему они все у вас такие мрачные?
— Мне не кажется, что театр обязательно должен быть солнечным
и ясным. Я мало знаю о природе радости. Не уверен, что брачная развязка многих шекспировских комедий может служить успокоительной пилюлей для хорошего сна.
Меня часто спрашивают, почему комедии Шекспира я ставлю как трагедии, на которых зрители рыдают, а на хрестоматийных трагедиях в моих постановках не умолкает смех? Не знаю. Но убежден, что посещение театра не связано с комфортным сидением в мягком кресле. По моему, от мрака ближе к свету, чем от света.
«We all came to Warsaw from the backwoods and became successful. We grew up together, we grew old together. We're getting deeper and deeper into life and art.»
Theater troupe
Krzysztow Warlikowski
Malgorzata Hajewska-Krzysztofik
Wojciech Kalarus
Ewelina Pankowska
Magdalena Poplawska
Piotr Polak
Bartosz Bielenia
Maja Ostaszewska
Caroline Ohab
Mariusz Bonaszewski
Every year we produce about 10 plays and hold 990 events for 100,000 people. We are constantly working to explore all aspects of contemporary culture.
Ewa Dalkowska
Bartosz Gellner
Magdalena Zelecka
Bartosz Bielenia
Zygmunt Malanovic
Andrzej Hira
Piotr Gruszczyński
Malgorzata Szczęsniak
«We all came to Warsaw from the backwoods and  succeeded. We grew up together, we  grew old together. We're getting deeper and deeper into life and art.»
Theater troupe
Krzysztow Warlikowski
Caroline Ohab
Piotr Gruszczyński
Malgorzata Szczęsniak
«We all came to Warsaw from the backwoods and  succeeded. We grew up together, we  grew old together. We're getting deeper and deeper into life and art.»
Theater troupe
Krzysztow Warlikowski
Caroline Ohab
Piotr Gruszczyński
Malgorzata Szczęsniak
Malgorzata Hajewska-Krzysztofik
Wojciech Kalarus
Ewelina Pankowska
Magdalena Poplawska
Piotr Polak
Bartosz Bielenia
Maja Ostaszewska
Mariusz Bonaszewski
Every year we produce about 10 performances and hold 990 events for 100,000 people. We are constantly working to explore all aspects of contemporary culture.
Ewa Dalkowska
Bartosz Gellner
Magdalena Zelecka
Bartosz Bielenia
Zygmunt Malanovic
Andrzej Hira
One of the most prominent European theater and opera directors, he was born in 1962 in Poland. In collaboration with the stage designer Malgorzata Szczęsniak Warlikowski creates outstanding theatrical images. In the course of his work, Krzysztof leads his actors to reach the deepest layers of their creativity. He has created a new way of staging Shakespeare, his work also contains subversive interpretations of Greek tragedies, but he is also well known for his productions of contemporary authors. His production of Sarah Kane's 2002 Cleansed at the Avignon Festival and America Theatre Festival in Montreal received widespread acclaim.
Warlikowski's theater productions have been presented at the most important festivals: Festival d'Avignon, Festival Otoño in Madrid, Edinburgh International Festival, Vienna Festival, Next Wave BAM Festival in New York, Athens Festival, Santiago a Mil International Theater Festival in Chile, PoNTI International Theater Festival in Porto, XXI Seoul Performing Arts Festival in South Korea, Tianjin Kanyu International Theater Festival in China, BITEF Festival in Belgrade.
Krzysztof Warlikowski
Theater and opera director, founder and artistic director of the New Theater.
Krzysztof Warlikowski's specialty is opera. Warlikowski has staged productions at major European opera houses, including La Monnaie in Brussels, the Paris National Opera, Teatro Real in Madrid, Bayerische Staatsoper in Munich and the Royal Opera House in London.
Theater and film actress Małgorzata Chajewska-Krzysztofik, known as Chaya, was born in 1965 in Osnowiec. After graduating from the acting department of the Ludwik Solski State Drama School in Krakow, she made her debut at the Helena Modrzejewska Theater in Krakow as Levin’s girlfriend in Jerzy Jarocki’s play «Shma Israel!» Jerzy Jarocki, directed by Jerzy S. Sito.
She has collaborated with many outstanding theater directors — Jerzy Jarocki, Jerzy Grzegorzewski, Andrzej Wajda and Grzegorz Jarzyna. Critics emphasize her strong stage charisma and exceptional ability to concentrate and achieve a strong effect with minimal means. They praise her reluctance to please the public and her emotional courage in taking controversial roles.
Malgorzata Hajewska Krzysztofik
Her first role in a production directed by Krzysztof Warlikowski was «Bacchants» in  2001 year. She joined the New Theatre Company on October 1, 2016.
Wojciech Kalarus was born on December 12, 1968 in Będzin. He is a theater and film actor, director, and a graduate of the Danuta Badushkova Studio of Singing and Acting at the Musical Theater in Gdynia. He made his debut at the Wielki Theater in Warsaw in Wojciech Bogusławski's play «Krakowskie i Gorets, or a Supposed Miracle» in 1991.
Wojciech Kalarus is a multifaceted actor known for his great dramatic and comedic talent. For many years he has worked with the most prominent Polish theater directors, such as Christian Lupa, Grzegorz Jarzyna, Jan Klata, Michał Zadara, and Piotr Cieplak.
Wojciech Kalarus
Since 2008 Wojciech Kalarus has been a member of the New Theater Company. His first role with  Krzysztof Warlikowski was in «(A)Pollonia». He also collaborated with director and dramaturg Piotr Gruszczynski on the adaptation of Koniec in 2010. In addition to theater, Wojciech works as a vocal coach and teaches at a private acting school.
Ewelina Pankowska was born September 6, 1990 year in Opoczno — in  2016 she graduated from the acting faculty of PWST in Wrocław. She received praise from audiences and critics with her performance in Ewelina Weeps under the direction of Anna Karasinska. She has worked with leading theater directors including Jan Klatu, Ivan Vyrypayev, and Michal Borczuch. Since 2020, she has participated in the international performance «European Ensemble», curated by Oliver Frlich — now Ewelina makes her debut in the zoom-theater-experimental show «Enter Full Screen», directed by Wojtek Zemilski.
Ewelina Pankowska
In 2020, she joined the New Theater acting company.
Theater and film actress Magdalena Poplawska was born in Zabrze on April 3, 1980. She is a graduate of the Ludwik Solski State Theater School in Krakow and a fellow of the Theater Institute in Barcelona.
For her performance in Ivan Vyrypayev's «Dreams», she won the prize as the best young actress at the Theater Meetings in Kalysh in 2005. In the same year she made her debut on the big screen in Przemysław Wojcieśek's play «A Perfect Afternoon».
Magdalena Poplawska
Magdalena Poplawska demonstrated her dancing skills in Krzysztof Warlikowski's «The End» and «Nancy. Interview» directed by French choreographer Claude Bardouil. Since 2008 she has been a member of the New Theater Company.
Theater and film actor Piotr Polak was born in Krakow on December 24, 1980. He graduated as an actor from the Ludwik Solski State Drama School in Krakow and made his debut at the Wojciech Bogusławski Theater in Kalisz in 2004. He has worked with such recognized directors as Christian. Lupa, Mikołaj Grabowski and Pawel Miszkiewicz, as well as directors of the younger generation, such as Michał Borczuch, Agata Duda-Gracz, Maja Kleczewska and Radosław Ryczyk.
Piotr Polak
In 2016, Piotr played the lead role in the famous movie «The man with the magic box» directed by Bodo Cox, which was well received by critics and audiences alike. He also contributed to the Polish dubbing of many films, such as Han Solo in the latest version of Star Wars.
In 2011, he joined the New Theater Company. Krzysztof Warlikowski's first production in which he appeared was Shakespeare's play African Tales.
Jacek Poniedzialek is a theater and film actor, director and translator, a graduate of the acting department of the Ludwik Solski State Drama School in Kraków (PWST). Jacek Poniedzialek is a theater and film actor, director and translator.
Jacek Poniedzialek
In 1992 he began working with Krzysztof Warlikowski. They staged their first productions at the Krakow State Theater School. «They were» Fyodor Dostoevsky's White Nights and Eugene Ionesco's «The Bald Singer». Since then, Jacek has played in most of this director's productions.
The characters he plays are always characterized by great intensity and expressiveness. The creators emphasize the actor's strong personality and his extraordinary precision in constructing the role, which he is also able to maintain at a certain distance.
In 2010, the book «Out of the Shadows» was published, which is a record of Renata Kim’s conversations with Jacek Poniedzialk. Tennessee Williams’s «A Streetcar Named Desire» and Other Dramas was published in 2012 in her translation, followed a year later by Tango. «Return to Childhood in High Heels» is the autobiography of Justin Vivian Bond, a famous American transgender artist, the character he played in Cabaret Warshawski.
Theater and film actress Maja Ostaszewska was born on September 3, 1972 in Krakow. She graduated from the acting department of the Ludwik Solski State Drama School in Krakow in 1996. Her exceptional talent was recognized in her graduation performance in «Platonov», based on Anton Chekhov's play directed by Christian Lupa.
Maya Ostashevskaya
Maja made her big screen debut in Steven Spielberg's Schindler's List. Maja made her big screen debut in «Steven Spielberg's Schindler's List», but received national acclaim and awards at the Polish Film Festival in Gdansk for her roles in Jan Hryniak's «The Wharf» and Łukasz Barczyk's «I'm looking at you, Marysia».
Maya Ostashevskaya is an actress of exceptional sensitivity and originality, consistently building her own unique image. Critics describe her as phenomenal, unconventional and stylish. They emphasize her ability to embody extremely diverse characters.
Maja Ostaszewska is also known for her activism in the field of animal rights. In 2002, she received an award from the World Society for the Protection of Animals.
Her collaboration with Krzysztof Warlikowski began in 2005 with Hanoch Levin's «Krum». Since 2008, Maja Ostaszewska has been a member of the New Theater Company.
Karolina Ochab graduated from the Faculty of Romance Philology at the University of Warsaw. In 2000 she was hired as an impresario at the Theatre Rozmaitości (now TR Warszawa), and soon after the theater began to participate in international festivals. In 2001, she created the first theater production department in Poland, introducing the function of producer to the Polish theater scene.
Caroline Ohab
From 2005 to 2008, Karolina was the chief producer and curator of the National Audiovisual Institute, for example, producing the flagship series, The Polish School of Documentary Filmmaking and The Anthology of Polish Animation.
In 2007, she directed Piotr Zielenka's «The Brothers Karamazov». Since  2008, Karolina Ochab has been the director of the New Theater, a theater created on the initiative of Krzysztof Warlikowski and  the City of Warsaw. In addition to her managerial work, Karolina collaborates with the artistic director in the preparation of the theater program, using her professional experience in the search for new forms of theater. She is also a lecturer at the State Theater School in Warsaw.
Mariusz Bonaszewski was born on August 26, 1964 year in Koszalin. A graduate of the State Theater School in Warsaw, he received his diploma in 1988. Actor in theater, film and television.
Mariusz Bonaszewski
After his studies he worked for many years at the Warsaw Drama Theater, where he played many significant roles, including the groundbreaking role of Konstantin Treplev in Anton Chekhov's opera «The Seagull» directed by Andrzej Domalik (1991).
Critics emphasize his versatility: Bonashevsky is able to charismatically reveal the complex nature of multifaceted characters. In 2017, he was awarded the Golden Cross for Services for his contribution to the development of culture and artistic achievements. He joined the team of the New Theater in 2020.
«She succeeds in bringing out the characters of women with complex, contradictory lives, ambiguous in both negative and and in positive ways.» — Barbara Kazmerczak.
Ewa Dalkowska
Ewa Dalkowska was born on April 10, 1947 in Wroclaw. She is a theater and film actress. In 1970 she graduated from the Polish Faculty of the University of Wroclaw, and two years later she graduated from the State Theater School. Alexander Zelverowicz in Warsaw.
She has created many unforgettable roles in both theater and film. She has collaborated with the greatest Polish artists, including: Andrzej Wajda, Jan Englert, Zygmunt Hübner, Antoni Krause, Andrzej Barański, Edward Rzebrowski, Andrzej Trzosz-Rasztawiecki, Krzysztof Zaleski, Tomasz Man, Agnieszka Holland, and Krzysztof Zanussi.
The talent and charisma of the actress attracted young artists as well. During the martial law she was active underground. She co-founded the Home Theater, which was opened on November 1 November 1982 in her apartment. In 2007, she was awarded the Officer’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta for her outstanding contribution to democratic change in Poland.
She began her collaboration with Krzysztof Warlikowski with the play «Purification». Since 2008 she has been a member of the «New Theater team».
«Young, bold, charismatic. And he likes to experiment.» — Martha Sareiko.
Bartosz Gellner
Bartosz Gellner was born on April 25, 1988 in Katowice. He is a theater and film actor. He is a graduate of the State Higher Theater School. Ludwik Solsky in Krakow.
An important role in his acting career was that of Alex in the award-winning film «Suicide Room» directed by Jan Komasa. In 2013, he won the Award for his role in Tomasz Wasilewski's film «Floating Skyscrapers». Piotr Lazarkiewicz for young talents at the Polish Film Festival in Los Angeles.
In 2013 he received the Honorary Award of the Theatre Critics Section of the ZASP for his performance in «Cabaret Warszawski» under the direction of Krzysztof Warlikowski. Bartosz Gellner began his collaboration with the New Theater with a role in this performance.
«There is a stubbornness in Cielecki women - the stubbornness to be beautiful, different and most powerful - the stubbornness to be independent.» — Lukasz Drewniak Przekroj.
Magdalena Zelecka
She is an actress of theater and cinema. She was born on February 20, 1972 in Myshkov. In 1995 1995 year she graduated from the acting faculty of the State Higher Theater School. Ludwik Solsky in Cracow. Since his theatrical debut in the play «I Am Four» directed by Krzysztof Orzechowski, the press has been writing about the emergence of a new talent in the Polish theater.
The directors emphasize her extraordinary ability to reincarnate, great diligence, courage, expressive individuality and propensity for creative risk.
In 2008 Magdalena Zelecka received the prestigious Herald Angel Award at the Edinburgh International Festival. She was honored for her roles in the plays «4.48 Psychosis» and «Dybbuk». The same year she joined the New Theater Company.
Bartosz Bielenia was born in Bialystok on May 15, 1992 year. After graduating from the Ludwik Solski State Theater School in Krakow, he made his debut in 1999 at the Alexander Wengerko Drama Theater in Bialystok in the role of the same name in Tomasz Hynek's «The Little Prince». Even before his graduation, he performed at the Old Theater in Kraków, which became his permanent workplace until 2014. His popularity as a film actor was supported by his small role as the demonic butler in Maciej Bochniak's «Disco Polo» and his performance in Wojciech Kasperski's «On the Border».
Bartosz Bielenia
In January 2018, Belenya joined the New Theater ensemble. His first performance at the New Theater was in the play «Uchta».
Zygmunt Malanowicz was born on February 4, 1938, in Korkorzyszki near Vilnius. He died on April 4, 2021 in Warsaw.
Zygmunt Malanovic
A year before graduating from acting school, he appeared in Roman Polanski's cult film «Knife in the Water». The role brought him popularity and favor of the audience, but because of the reluctance of the then authorities towards cinematographers, the actor did not get a major role in the movie for the next seven years. During this time he developed his theatrical abilities.
He mostly played psychologically complex characters entangled in moral and moral dilemmas. Directors appreciate his high level of stage expression, emotional involvement, and non-obviousness in creating the characters he played.
Since the premiere of William Shakespeare's «The Tempest» in 2003, in which he played the role of Alonzo, he has appeared in most of Krzysztof Warlikowski's plays. He joined the New Theater team in 2008. He died while working on the role of Odysseus in «The Odyssey». Hollywood History.
«His acting leaves you somewhat unsatisfied. He creates a hunger both with viewers and with directors, who get the impression that not everything is revealed in him.» — Krzysztof Krause.
Andrzej Hira
Andrzej Hira was born on August 27, 1964 in Gryfów Śląski. He is a theater and film actor and director. In 1987 he graduated from the acting faculty, and in 1994 — from the directing faculty of the State Theater School. Alexander Zelverovich lives in Warsaw.
Andrzej Hira carefully chooses roles and collaborates with the most outstanding directors, including: in the cast: Andrzej Wajda, Krzysztof Krause, Krzysztof Zanussi, Felix Falk, Marek Koterski, Juliusz Machulski, Łukasz Barczyk, Jacek Borkuch, Konrad Niwolski and Malgorzata Szumowska. He is always looking for new challenges and choosing unobvious projects.
He made his debut as an opera director in 2013 in a production of "The Players", to a libretto by Nikolai Gogol and music by Dmitri Shostakovich, at the Baltic Opera House in Gdańsk. He was commissioned by the Malta International Theater Festival to stage The Magic Mountain, to a libretto by Małgorzata Sikorska-Miszczuk based on Thomas Mann, music by Pavel Miketin and scenography by Mirosław Balka, for which he received an award.
Playwright, theater critic, deputy director for program activities.
Piotr Gruszczynski
Born in 1965 in Rawicz. In 1989 he graduated in theater studies from the Faculty of Polish Studies of the Jagiellonian University. He wrote theater reviews for magazines such as Tygodnik Powszechny, Res Publika, Nowa, Dialog. He collaborated with the Polish Radio program and the «Dialog» International Theater Festival in Wrocław.
In 2003, he published a collection of essays and interviews, «The Father Suicide». Younger and talented People in Polish Theater was nominated for the Nike Literary Award. A collection of his conversations with Krzysztof Warlikowski entitled Shakespeare and the Usurper was published in 2007. As a playwright, he collaborates with Mariusz Trelinski in the production of his operas.
Since 2008, he has been a playwright at the New Theater. Piotr has worked with Krzysztof Warlikowski on, among other things, adaptations of the texts «(A)Pollonia», «African Tales According to Shakespeare», «Warsaw Cabaret», «The French». Lecturer at the Theater Academy.
Małgorzata Szczęsniak graduated from the Kraków High School of Art in 1972 and then continued her studies at the Department of Philosophy and Psychology of the Jagiellonian University, where she also defended her doctoral thesis.
Malgorzata Szczęsniak
Scenographer and costume designer
She studied scenography at the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow from 1981-1984. In 1990 Malorzata took part in the Quadrennial of Scenography in Prague and in 1994 in the Exhibition of Young Scenographers in Katowice. In 2008 an exhibition of the artist's projects entitled «Appears and disappears without a trace» was held at La Bellone in Brussels. Photographs from the exhibition were published in a book with the same title.
Małgorzata Szczesniak has been Krzysztof Warlikowski's constant collaborator since the production of his first play in 19992. She designed the scenography for all of his theater and operatic works. She has also worked with other directors including Mark Fildor, Grzegorz Jarzyna and Ewa Wycichowska.
Małgorzata has been part of the New Theater team since 2008.
One of the goals of the New Theater is to intervene in the lives of the residents of the capital, which will contribute to changing their view of the city. To achieve a deep understanding of the current situation in European culture and its artistic expression.
The site has been created for educational purposes and is not commercial.
All materials are taken from public sources and belong to their owners.
One of the goals of the New Theater — is to intervene in the lives of the residents of the capital, which will contribute to changing their view of the city. To achieve a deep understanding of the current situation in European culture and its artistic expression.
The site has been created for educational purposes and is not commercial.
All materials are taken from public sources and belong to their owners.
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